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Ein Cwricwlwm Ni / Our Curriculum

Effaith Leonardo
Galluogi plant i gyflawni eu potensial dysgu llawn.
Mae Effaith Leonardo yn galluogi plant i ddatblygu syniadau'n greadigol a dod yn fwy hyderus fel cydweithwyr a chyfranwyr. Trwy roi adenydd i chwilfrydedd plant a chaniatáu i athrawon fod yn fwy creadigol ac hyblyg yn yr ystafell ddosbarth, mae’n ysgogi dysgu ac yn galluogi plant i wneud cysylltiadau ar draws y cwricwlwm. Mae plant yn wynebu heriau dysgu yn fwyfwy hyderus.
Mae pedwar prif gam i raglen gwricwlwm Effaith Leonardo:
Cam 1 - Dal dychymyg plant:
Defnyddio profiadau uniongyrchol mewn cyd-destunau perthnasol i ysbrydoli cwestiynau. Gan dynnu ar chwilfrydedd cynhenid ​​plant, mae’r broses o ddysgu ar sail darganfod yn dechrau, gan gynnwys ymchwil o: ddeunyddiau amlgyfrwng; llyfrau; arbenigwyr, cyfoedion ac ati. Mae disgyblion yn teimlo eu bod wedi'u grymuso ac mae athrawon yn teimlo'n llawn egni i ddysgu gyda nhw.
Cam 2 - Datblygiad:
Mae plant yn archwilio'n fanwl heb ffiniau pwnc confensiynol, yn datblygu eu syniadau eu hunain ac yn cynnal arbrofion trwy ddulliau gweledol, clywedol a chinesthetig. Mae'r cam cyffrous a phenagored hwn yn galluogi plant i wneud cysylltiadau ac yn 
hwyluso datblygiad.
• Cam 3 - Creu:
Caiff disgyblion eu herio i gymhwyso eu gwybodaeth a’u medrau mewn cyd-destun arloesol a chreadigol, sy’n mynd â’u dysgu i lefel uwch, gan ragori ar ofynion arferol y cwricwlwm.
• Cam 4 - Myfyrio a Chyfathrebu:
Yn y cyfnod hwn, mae disgyblion yn gwerthuso eu gwaith eu hunain ac yn cyfleu eu gwybodaeth i gynulleidfa ehangach mewn sawl ffordd, neu’n cychwyn ar antur ddysgu newydd wedi’i hysbrydoli gan y sgiliau a’r wybodaeth a ddysgwyd ganddynt yn gynt.

The Leonardo Effect

Enabling children to achieve their full learning potential


The Leonardo Effect allows children to creatively develop ideas and to become more confident as collaborators and contributors. By giving wings to children’s curiosity and allowing teachers to be more creative and flexible in the classroom, it stimulates learning and enables children to make connections across the learning landscape. Children rise to the learning challenges.


The Leonardo Effect curriculum programme has four main stages:


  • Stage 1- Capture children's imaginations:


Use first-hand experiences in relevant contexts to inspire self-generated questions. Drawing on children's inherent curiosity a process of discovery-based learning begins, involving research from: multimedia; books; with experts, pupil peers etc. Pupils feel empowered and teachers feel energised to learn with them.


  • Stage 2- Development:


Children explore in depth without conventional subject boundaries, develop their own ideas and conduct experiments via visual, aural and kinesthetic means. This exciting and open-ended stage enables children to make connections, drawing out the learning process to facilitate development.


  • Stage 3-Creation:


Pupils are challenged to apply their knowledge and skills in an innovative and creative context, which takes their learning to a higher level, exceeding usual curricular requirements.


  • Stage 4- Reflect and Communicate:


In this phase, pupils evaluate their own work and communicate their knowledge to a wider audience in a multitude of ways, or embark on a new learning adventure inspired by their recently acquired skills and knowledge.


Cynllun Clonc

Maths Active

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Maths Active

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Cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru

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